the zoo_e lab


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Footprints of worldwide adaptation in structured populations of i D. melanogaster i through the expanded DEST 2.0 genomic resource
Footprints of worldwide adaptation in structured populations of D. melanogaster through the expanded DEST 2.0 genomic resource
Joaquin C. B. Nunez, Marta Coronado-Zamora, Mathieu Gautier, Martin Kapun, Sonja Steindl, …, Dmitri Petrov, Paul Schmidt, Thomas Flatt, Alan O. Bergland, Josefa Gonzalez
bioRxiv  ·  11 Nov 2024  ·  doi:10.1101/2024.11.10.622744
An initial investigation into the genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationships, and population structure of the Olive Psyllid i Euphyllura olivina i in Tunisia
An initial investigation into the genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationships, and population structure of the Olive Psyllid Euphyllura olivina in Tunisia
Nihel Oueslati, Asma Ghedir, Sarra Choulak, Laila Gasmi, Khaled Said, Lino Ometto
Phytoparasitica  ·  14 Oct 2024  ·  doi:10.1007/s12600-024-01205-y
Genetic diversity in the tomato leafminer i Tuta absoluta i Meyrick in Tunisia
Genetic diversity in the tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) in Tunisia
Asma Ghedir, Nihel Oueslati, Laila Gasmi, Ayda Khorramnejad, Khaled Said, Lino Ometto
Phytoparasitica  ·  11 Oct 2024  ·  doi:10.1007/s12600-024-01208-9
The European Reference Genome Atlas: piloting a decentralised approach to equitable biodiversity genomics
The European Reference Genome Atlas: piloting a decentralised approach to equitable biodiversity genomics
Ann M. Mc Cartney, Giulio Formenti, Alice Mouton, Diego De Panis, Luísa S. Marins, …, Patrick Wincker, Sylke Winkler, Claudio Ciofi, Robert M. Waterhouse, Camila J. Mazzoni
npj Biodiversity  ·  17 Sep 2024  ·  doi:10.1038/s44185-024-00054-6
Harmonising genomics research excellence and stakeholder needs in conservation management
Harmonising genomics research excellence and stakeholder needs in conservation management
Elena Buzan, Christian de Guttry, Chiara Bortoluzzi, Nathaniel Street, Kay Lucek, …, María José Ruiz-López, José Melo-Ferreira, Elisabet Ottosson, Camila Mazzoni, Robert Waterhouse
Authorea  ·  31 Aug 2024  ·  doi:10.22541/au.172510123.38206942/v1
A framework to identify opportunities to address socioscientific issues in the elementary school curricula: A case study from England, Italy, and Portugal
A framework to identify opportunities to address socioscientific issues in the elementary school curricula: A case study from England, Italy, and Portugal
Patrícia Pessoa, Joelyn de Lima, Valentina Piacentini, Giulia Realdon, Alex Jeffries, …, Dana L. Zeidler, Maria João Fonseca, Bruno Sousa, Alexandre Pinto, Xana Sá-Pinto
bioRxiv  ·  06 Aug 2024  ·  doi:10.1101/2024.08.02.606442
Evolution content in school textbooks: data from eight European countries
Evolution content in school textbooks: data from eight European countries
Andreas Panayides, Xana Sá-Pinto, Evangelia Mavrikaki, Duur K. Aanen, Sara Aboim, …, Nuno Ribeiro, José Luis Coelho da Silva, Bruno Sousa, Gregor Torkar, Konstantinos Korfiatis
Evolution: Education and Outreach  ·  09 Jul 2024  ·  doi:10.1186/s12052-024-00203-2


Relaxation of natural selection in the evolution of the giant lungfish genomes
Relaxation of natural selection in the evolution of the giant lungfish genomes
Silvia Fuselli, Samuele Greco, Roberto Biello, Sergio Palmitessa, Marta Lago, …, Thomas Espinoza, Jane Margaret Hughes, Lino Ometto, Marco Gerdol, Giorgio Bertorelle
Molecular Biology and Evolution  ·  01 Sep 2023  ·  doi:10.1093/molbev/msad193


Selection-driven adaptation to the extreme Antarctic environment in the Emperor penguin
Selection-driven adaptation to the extreme Antarctic environment in the Emperor penguin
Federica Pirri, Lino Ometto, Silvia Fuselli, Flávia A. N. Fernandes, Lorena Ancona, Nunzio Perta, Daniele Di Marino, Céline Le Bohec, Lorenzo Zane, Emiliano Trucchi
Heredity  ·  07 Oct 2022  ·  doi:10.1038/s41437-022-00564-8
The impact of fast radiation on the phylogeny of i Bactrocera i fruit flies as revealed by multiple evolutionary models and mutation rate-calibrated clock
The impact of fast radiation on the phylogeny of Bactrocera fruit flies as revealed by multiple evolutionary models and mutation rate-calibrated clock
Federica Valerio, Nicola Zadra, Omar Rota-Stabelli, Lino Ometto
Insects  ·  30 Jun 2022  ·  doi:10.3390/insects13070603


The complete mitogenome of the European mantis, i Mantis religiosa i , from Italy: implications for the origin of North American mantis population
The complete mitogenome of the European mantis, Mantis religiosa, from Italy: implications for the origin of North American mantis population
Andrea Luchetti, Lino Ometto, Omar Rota-Stabelli
Bulletin of Insectology  ·  01 Nov 2021  ·  http:
Viviparity and habitat restrictions may influence the evolution of male reproductive genes in tsetse fly i Glossina i species
Viviparity and habitat restrictions may influence the evolution of male reproductive genes in tsetse fly (Glossina) species
Grazia Savini, Francesca Scolari, Lino Ometto, Omar Rota-Stabelli, Davide Carraretto, …, Giuliano Gasperi, Adly M. M. Abd-Alla, Serap Aksoy, Geoffrey M. Attardo, Anna R. Malacrida
BMC Biology  ·  23 Sep 2021  ·  doi:10.1186/s12915-021-01148-4
i Drosophila i Evolution over Space and Time DEST : A new population genomics resource
Drosophila Evolution over Space and Time (DEST): A new population genomics resource
Martin Kapun, Joaquin C B Nunez, María Bogaerts-Márquez, Jesús Murga-Moreno, Margot Paris, …, Dmitri Petrov, Paul Schmidt, Josefa Gonzalez, Thomas Flatt, Alan O Bergland
Molecular Biology and Evolution  ·  01 Sep 2021  ·  doi:10.1093/molbev/msab259
Phylogenomics of Opsin genes in Diptera reveals lineage-specific events and contrasting evolutionary dynamics in i Anopheles i and i Drosophila i
Phylogenomics of Opsin genes in Diptera reveals lineage-specific events and contrasting evolutionary dynamics in Anopheles and Drosophila
Roberto Feuda, Matthew Goulty, Nicola Zadra, Tiziana Gasparetti, Ezio Rosato, Davide Pisani, Annapaola Rizzoli, Nicola Segata, Lino Ometto, Omar Rota Stabelli
Genome Biology and Evolution  ·  16 Jul 2021  ·  doi:10.1093/gbe/evab170
The discovery, distribution, and diversity of DNA viruses associated with i Drosophila melanogaster i in Europe
The discovery, distribution, and diversity of DNA viruses associated with Drosophila melanogaster in Europe
Megan A Wallace, Kelsey A Coffman, Clément Gilbert, Sanjana Ravindran, Gregory F Albery, …, Martin Kapun, Thomas Flatt, Josefa González, Fabian Staubach, Darren J Obbard
Virus Evolution  ·  01 Jan 2021  ·  doi:10.1093/ve/veab031


Linking omics and ecology to dissect interactions between the apple proliferation phytoplasma and its psyllid vector i Cacopsylla melanoneura i
Linking omics and ecology to dissect interactions between the apple proliferation phytoplasma and its psyllid vector Cacopsylla melanoneura
Tobias Weil, Lino Ometto, Anna Esteve-Codina, Jèssica Gómez-Garrido, Tiziana Oppedisano, …, Marc Dabad, Tyler Alioto, Urska Vrhovsek, Saskia Hogenhout, Gianfranco Anfora
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology  ·  01 Dec 2020  ·  doi:10.1016/j.ibmb.2020.103474


Polymorphism analyses and protein modelling inform on functional specialization of i Piwi i clade genes in the arboviral vector i Aedes albopictus i
Polymorphism analyses and protein modelling inform on functional specialization of Piwi clade genes in the arboviral vector Aedes albopictus
Michele Marconcini, Luis Hernandez, Giuseppe Iovino, Vincent Houé, Federica Valerio, …, Rebeca Carballar-Lejarazu, Lino Ometto, Federico Forneris, Anna-Bella Failloux, Mariangela Bonizzoni
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases  ·  02 Dec 2019  ·  doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0007919
Distinct genotypes and phenotypes in European and American strains of i Drosophila suzukii i : implications for biology and management of an invasive organism
Distinct genotypes and phenotypes in European and American strains of Drosophila suzukii: implications for biology and management of an invasive organism
Omar Rota-Stabelli, Lino Ometto, Gabriella Tait, Silvia Ghirotto, Rupinder Kaur, Francesco Drago, Josefa González, Vaughn M. Walton, Gianfranco Anfora, Marco Valerio Rossi-Stacconi
Journal of Pest Science  ·  06 Nov 2019  ·  doi:10.1007/s10340-019-01172-y
A chromosome-level genome assembly of i Cydia pomonella i provides insights into chemical ecology and insecticide resistance
A chromosome-level genome assembly of Cydia pomonella provides insights into chemical ecology and insecticide resistance
Fanghao Wan, Chuanlin Yin, Rui Tang, Maohua Chen, Qiang Wu, …, Meizhen Li, Minglu Yang, Renci Xiong, James R. Walters, Fei Li
Nature Communications  ·  17 Sep 2019  ·  doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12175-9
Comparative genomic analysis of six i Glossina i genomes, vectors of African trypanosomes
Comparative genomic analysis of six Glossina genomes, vectors of African trypanosomes
Geoffrey M. Attardo, Adly M. M. Abd-Alla, Alvaro Acosta-Serrano, James E. Allen, Rosemary Bateta, …, Matthew T. Weirauch, Brian L. Weiss, Richard K. Wilson, Xin Zhao, Serap Aksoy
Genome Biology  ·  02 Sep 2019  ·  doi:10.1186/s13059-019-1768-2


Large-scale spatial dynamics of i Drosophila suzukii i in Trentino, Italy
Large-scale spatial dynamics of Drosophila suzukii in Trentino, Italy
Gabriella Tait, Alberto Grassi, Ferdinand Pfab, Cristina M. Crava, Daniel T. Dalton, …, Angela Gottardello, Andrea Pugliese, Giuseppe Firrao, Vaughn M. Walton, Gianfranco Anfora
Journal of Pest Science  ·  05 May 2018  ·  doi:10.1007/s10340-018-0985-x


Genetic variability in Italian populations of i Drosophila suzukii i
Genetic variability in Italian populations of Drosophila suzukii
Gabriella Tait, Silvia Vezzulli, Fabiana Sassù, Gloria Antonini, Antonio Biondi, …, Giorgia Sollai, Alessandro Cini, Lorenzo Tonina, Lino Ometto, Gianfranco Anfora
BMC Genetics  ·  03 Nov 2017  ·  doi:10.1186/s12863-017-0558-7
Survival and divergence in a small group: The extraordinary genomic history of the endangered Apennine brown bear stragglers
Survival and divergence in a small group: The extraordinary genomic history of the endangered Apennine brown bear stragglers
Andrea Benazzo, Emiliano Trucchi, James A. Cahill, Pierpaolo Maisano Delser, Stefano Mona, …, Silvia Fuselli, Cristiano Vernesi, Beth Shapiro, Paolo Ciucci, Giorgio Bertorelle
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  ·  24 Oct 2017  ·  doi:10.1073/pnas.1707279114
Genome comparisons indicate recent transfer of i w i Ri-like i Wolbachia i between sister species i Drosophila suzukii i and i D. subpulchrella i
Genome comparisons indicate recent transfer of wRi-like Wolbachia between sister species Drosophila suzukii and D. subpulchrella
William R. Conner, Mark L. Blaxter, Gianfranco Anfora, Lino Ometto, Omar Rota‐Stabelli, Michael Turelli
Ecology and Evolution  ·  08 Oct 2017  ·  doi:10.1002/ece3.3449
Comparative genomics shows that viral integrations are abundant and express piRNAs in the arboviral vectors i Aedes aegypti i and i Aedes albopictus i
Comparative genomics shows that viral integrations are abundant and express piRNAs in the arboviral vectors Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus
Umberto Palatini, Pascal Miesen, Rebeca Carballar-Lejarazu, Lino Ometto, Ettore Rizzo, Zhijian Tu, Ronald P. van Rij, Mariangela Bonizzoni
BMC Genomics  ·  05 Jul 2017  ·  doi:10.1186/s12864-017-3903-3


Evolutionary insights into taste perception of the invasive pest i Drosophila suzukii i
Evolutionary insights into taste perception of the invasive pest Drosophila suzukii
Cristina M Crava, Sukanya Ramasamy, Lino Ometto, Gianfranco Anfora, Omar Rota-Stabelli
G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics  ·  01 Dec 2016  ·  doi:10.1534/g3.116.036467
The evolution of olfactory gene families in i Drosophila i and the genomic basis of chemical-ecological adaptation in i Drosophila suzukii i
The evolution of olfactory gene families in Drosophila and the genomic basis of chemical-ecological adaptation in Drosophila suzukii
Sukanya Ramasamy, Lino Ometto, Cristina M. Crava, Santosh Revadi, Rupinder Kaur, David S. Horner, Davide Pisani, Teun Dekker, Gianfranco Anfora, Omar Rota-Stabelli
Genome Biology and Evolution  ·  19 Jul 2016  ·  doi:10.1093/gbe/evw160
Multiple lines of evidence for reproductive winter diapause in the invasive pest i Drosophila suzukii i : useful clues for control strategies
Multiple lines of evidence for reproductive winter diapause in the invasive pest Drosophila suzukii: useful clues for control strategies
Marco Valerio Rossi-Stacconi, Rupinder Kaur, Valerio Mazzoni, Lino Ometto, Alberto Grassi, Angela Gottardello, Omar Rota-Stabelli, Gianfranco Anfora
Journal of Pest Science  ·  24 Mar 2016  ·  doi:10.1007/s10340-016-0753-8


Extracting spatio-temporal patterns in animal trajectories: an ecological application of sequence analysis methods
Extracting spatio-temporal patterns in animal trajectories: an ecological application of sequence analysis methods
Johannes De Groeve, Nico Van de Weghe, Nathan Ranc, Tijs Neutens, Lino Ometto, Omar Rota‐Stabelli, Francesca Cagnacci
Methods in Ecology and Evolution  ·  06 Sep 2015  ·  doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12453
Demographic history, population structure, and local adaptation in Alpine populations of i Cardamine impatiens i and i Cardamine resedifolia i
Demographic history, population structure, and local adaptation in Alpine populations of Cardamine impatiens and Cardamine resedifolia
Lino Ometto, Mingai Li, Luisa Bresadola, Enrico Barbaro, Markus Neteler, Claudio Varotto
PLOS ONE  ·  01 May 2015  ·  doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0125199


Interkingdom transfer of the acne-causing agent, i Propionibacterium acnes i , from human to grapevine
Interkingdom transfer of the acne-causing agent, Propionibacterium acnes, from human to grapevine
Andrea Campisano, Lino Ometto, Stéphane Compant, Michael Pancher, Livio Antonielli, …, Claudio Varotto, Gianfranco Anfora, Ilaria Pertot, Angela Sessitsch, Omar Rota-Stabelli
Molecular Biology and Evolution  ·  19 Feb 2014  ·  doi:10.1093/molbev/msu075


linking genomics and ecology to investigate the complex evolution of an invasive i Drosophila i pest
linking genomics and ecology to investigate the complex evolution of an invasive Drosophila pest
Lino Ometto, Alessandro Cestaro, Sukanya Ramasamy, Alberto Grassi, Santosh Revadi, …, Ilaria Pertot, Duccio Cavalieri, Mark Blaxter, Gianfranco Anfora, Omar Rota-Stabelli
Genome Biology and Evolution  ·  15 Mar 2013  ·  doi:10.1093/gbe/evt034
Selective sweep in the i Flotillin-2 i region of European i Drosophila melanogaster i
Selective sweep in the Flotillin-2 region of European Drosophila melanogaster
Annegret Werzner, Pavlos Pavlidis, Lino Ometto, Wolfgang Stephan, Stefan Laurent
PLOS ONE  ·  21 Feb 2013  ·  doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056629.s003
Spatiotemporal reconstruction of the i Aquilegia i rapid radiation through next-generation sequencing of rapidly evolving cpDNA regions
Spatiotemporal reconstruction of the Aquilegia rapid radiation through next-generation sequencing of rapidly evolving cpDNA regions
Simone Fior, Mingai Li, Bengt Oxelman, Roberto Viola, Scott A. Hodges, Lino Ometto, Claudio Varotto
New Phytologist  ·  05 Feb 2013  ·  doi:10.1111/nph.12163


Evolution at two levels in fire ants: The relationship between patterns of gene expression and protein sequence evolution
Evolution at two levels in fire ants: The relationship between patterns of gene expression and protein sequence evolution
Brendan G. Hunt, Lino Ometto, Laurent Keller, Michael A.D. Goodisman
Molecular Biology and Evolution  ·  10 Oct 2012  ·  doi:10.1093/molbev/mss234
Disruption of gene expression in hybrids of the fire ants i Solenopsis invicta i and i Solenopsis richteri i
Disruption of gene expression in hybrids of the fire ants Solenopsis invicta and Solenopsis richteri
Lino Ometto, Kenneth G. Ross, DeWayne Shoemaker, Laurent Keller
Molecular Ecology  ·  30 Mar 2012  ·  doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05544.x
Rates of evolution in stress-related genes are associated with habitat preference in two i Cardamine i lineages
Rates of evolution in stress-related genes are associated with habitat preference in two Cardamine lineages
Lino Ometto, Mingai Li, Luisa Bresadola, Claudio Varotto
BMC Evolutionary Biology  ·  18 Jan 2012  ·  doi:10.1186/1471-2148-12-7


Relaxed selection is a precursor to the evolution of phenotypic plasticity
Relaxed selection is a precursor to the evolution of phenotypic plasticity
Brendan G. Hunt, Lino Ometto, Yannick Wurm, DeWayne Shoemaker, Soojin V. Yi, Laurent Keller, Michael A. D. Goodisman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  ·  12 Sep 2011  ·  doi:10.1073/pnas.1104825108
Evoluzione. Modelli e processi
Evoluzione. Modelli e processi
Marco Ferraguti, Carla Castellacci, Giuliana Allegrucci, Giorgio Binelli, Maurizio Casiraghi, Roberta Cimmaruta, Giuseppe Fusco, Mauro Mandrioli, Lino Ometto, Marco Passamonti
Pearson Education  ·  16 Mar 2011  ·  isbn-13:9788871926247


Evolution of gene expression in fire ants: The effects of developmental stage, caste, and species
Evolution of gene expression in fire ants: The effects of developmental stage, caste, and species
Lino Ometto, DeWayne Shoemaker, Kenneth G. Ross, Laurent Keller
Molecular Biology and Evolution  ·  20 Dec 2010  ·  doi:10.1093/molbev/msq322


Contrasting patterns of sequence divergence and base composition between i Drosophila i introns and intergenic regions
Contrasting patterns of sequence divergence and base composition between Drosophila introns and intergenic regions
Lino Ometto, David De Lorenzo, Wolfgang Stephan
Biology Letters  ·  01 Aug 2006  ·  doi:10.1098/rsbl.2006.0521


Inferring the effects of demography and selection on i Drosophila melanogaster i populations from a chromosome-wide scan of DNA variation
Inferring the effects of demography and selection on Drosophila melanogaster populations from a chromosome-wide scan of DNA variation
Lino Ometto, Sascha Glinka, David De Lorenzo, Wolfgang Stephan
Molecular Biology and Evolution  ·  29 Jun 2005  ·  doi:10.1093/molbev/msi207
Insertion deletion and nucleotide polymorphism data reveal constraints in i Drosophila melanogaster i introns and intergenic regions
Insertion/deletion and nucleotide polymorphism data reveal constraints in Drosophila melanogaster introns and intergenic regions
Lino Ometto, Wolfgang Stephan, David De Lorenzo
Genetics  ·  01 Mar 2005  ·  doi:10.1534/genetics.104.037689


Demography and natural selection have shaped genetic variation in i Drosophila melanogaster i : A multi-locus approach
Demography and natural selection have shaped genetic variation in Drosophila melanogaster: A multi-locus approach
Sascha Glinka, Lino Ometto, Sylvain Mousset, Wolfgang Stephan, David De Lorenzo
Genetics  ·  01 Nov 2003  ·  doi:10.1093/genetics/165.3.1269


Teratogenic and toxic effects of Alcohol Ethoxylate and Alcohol Ethoxy Sulfate surfactants on i Xenopus laevis i embryos and tadpoles
Teratogenic and toxic effects of Alcohol Ethoxylate and Alcohol Ethoxy Sulfate surfactants on Xenopus laevis embryos and tadpoles
Pietro Cardellini, Lino Ometto
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety  ·  01 Feb 2001  ·  doi:10.1006/eesa.2000.2005
An initial investigation into the genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationships, and population structure of the Olive Psyllid i Euphyllura olivina i in Tunisia
An initial investigation into the genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationships, and population structure of the Olive Psyllid Euphyllura olivina in Tunisia
Nihel Oueslati, Asma Ghedir, Sarra Choulak, Laila Gasmi, Khaled Said, Lino Ometto
Phytoparasitica  ·  14 Oct 2024  ·  doi:10.1007/s12600-024-01205-y
Genetic diversity in the tomato leafminer i Tuta absoluta i Meyrick in Tunisia
Genetic diversity in the tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) in Tunisia
Asma Ghedir, Nihel Oueslati, Laila Gasmi, Ayda Khorramnejad, Khaled Said, Lino Ometto
Phytoparasitica  ·  11 Oct 2024  ·  doi:10.1007/s12600-024-01208-9
The European Reference Genome Atlas: piloting a decentralised approach to equitable biodiversity genomics
The European Reference Genome Atlas: piloting a decentralised approach to equitable biodiversity genomics
Ann M. Mc Cartney, Giulio Formenti, Alice Mouton, Diego De Panis, Luísa S. Marins, …, Patrick Wincker, Sylke Winkler, Claudio Ciofi, Robert M. Waterhouse, Camila J. Mazzoni
npj Biodiversity  ·  17 Sep 2024  ·  doi:10.1038/s44185-024-00054-6
Harmonising genomics research excellence and stakeholder needs in conservation management
Harmonising genomics research excellence and stakeholder needs in conservation management
Elena Buzan, Christian de Guttry, Chiara Bortoluzzi, Nathaniel Street, Kay Lucek, …, María José Ruiz-López, José Melo-Ferreira, Elisabet Ottosson, Camila Mazzoni, Robert Waterhouse
Authorea  ·  31 Aug 2024  ·  doi:10.22541/au.172510123.38206942/v1
A framework to identify opportunities to address socioscientific issues in the elementary school curricula: A case study from England, Italy, and Portugal
A framework to identify opportunities to address socioscientific issues in the elementary school curricula: A case study from England, Italy, and Portugal
Patrícia Pessoa, Joelyn de Lima, Valentina Piacentini, Giulia Realdon, Alex Jeffries, …, Dana L. Zeidler, Maria João Fonseca, Bruno Sousa, Alexandre Pinto, Xana Sá-Pinto
bioRxiv  ·  06 Aug 2024  ·  doi:10.1101/2024.08.02.606442
Evolution content in school textbooks: data from eight European countries
Evolution content in school textbooks: data from eight European countries
Andreas Panayides, Xana Sá-Pinto, Evangelia Mavrikaki, Duur K. Aanen, Sara Aboim, …, Nuno Ribeiro, José Luis Coelho da Silva, Bruno Sousa, Gregor Torkar, Konstantinos Korfiatis
Evolution: Education and Outreach  ·  09 Jul 2024  ·  doi:10.1186/s12052-024-00203-2


Relaxation of natural selection in the evolution of the giant lungfish genomes
Relaxation of natural selection in the evolution of the giant lungfish genomes
Silvia Fuselli, Samuele Greco, Roberto Biello, Sergio Palmitessa, Marta Lago, …, Thomas Espinoza, Jane Margaret Hughes, Lino Ometto, Marco Gerdol, Giorgio Bertorelle
Molecular Biology and Evolution  ·  01 Sep 2023  ·  doi:10.1093/molbev/msad193


Selection-driven adaptation to the extreme Antarctic environment in the Emperor penguin
Selection-driven adaptation to the extreme Antarctic environment in the Emperor penguin
Federica Pirri, Lino Ometto, Silvia Fuselli, Flávia A. N. Fernandes, Lorena Ancona, Nunzio Perta, Daniele Di Marino, Céline Le Bohec, Lorenzo Zane, Emiliano Trucchi
Heredity  ·  07 Oct 2022  ·  doi:10.1038/s41437-022-00564-8
The impact of fast radiation on the phylogeny of i Bactrocera i fruit flies as revealed by multiple evolutionary models and mutation rate-calibrated clock
The impact of fast radiation on the phylogeny of Bactrocera fruit flies as revealed by multiple evolutionary models and mutation rate-calibrated clock
Federica Valerio, Nicola Zadra, Omar Rota-Stabelli, Lino Ometto
Insects  ·  30 Jun 2022  ·  doi:10.3390/insects13070603


The complete mitogenome of the European mantis, i Mantis religiosa i , from Italy: implications for the origin of North American mantis population
The complete mitogenome of the European mantis, Mantis religiosa, from Italy: implications for the origin of North American mantis population
Andrea Luchetti, Lino Ometto, Omar Rota-Stabelli
Bulletin of Insectology  ·  01 Nov 2021  ·  http:
Viviparity and habitat restrictions may influence the evolution of male reproductive genes in tsetse fly i Glossina i species
Viviparity and habitat restrictions may influence the evolution of male reproductive genes in tsetse fly (Glossina) species
Grazia Savini, Francesca Scolari, Lino Ometto, Omar Rota-Stabelli, Davide Carraretto, …, Giuliano Gasperi, Adly M. M. Abd-Alla, Serap Aksoy, Geoffrey M. Attardo, Anna R. Malacrida
BMC Biology  ·  23 Sep 2021  ·  doi:10.1186/s12915-021-01148-4
i Drosophila i Evolution over Space and Time DEST : A new population genomics resource
Drosophila Evolution over Space and Time (DEST): A new population genomics resource
Martin Kapun, Joaquin C B Nunez, María Bogaerts-Márquez, Jesús Murga-Moreno, Margot Paris, …, Dmitri Petrov, Paul Schmidt, Josefa Gonzalez, Thomas Flatt, Alan O Bergland
Molecular Biology and Evolution  ·  01 Sep 2021  ·  doi:10.1093/molbev/msab259
Phylogenomics of Opsin genes in Diptera reveals lineage-specific events and contrasting evolutionary dynamics in i Anopheles i and i Drosophila i
Phylogenomics of Opsin genes in Diptera reveals lineage-specific events and contrasting evolutionary dynamics in Anopheles and Drosophila
Roberto Feuda, Matthew Goulty, Nicola Zadra, Tiziana Gasparetti, Ezio Rosato, Davide Pisani, Annapaola Rizzoli, Nicola Segata, Lino Ometto, Omar Rota Stabelli
Genome Biology and Evolution  ·  16 Jul 2021  ·  doi:10.1093/gbe/evab170
The discovery, distribution, and diversity of DNA viruses associated with i Drosophila melanogaster i in Europe
The discovery, distribution, and diversity of DNA viruses associated with Drosophila melanogaster in Europe
Megan A Wallace, Kelsey A Coffman, Clément Gilbert, Sanjana Ravindran, Gregory F Albery, …, Martin Kapun, Thomas Flatt, Josefa González, Fabian Staubach, Darren J Obbard
Virus Evolution  ·  01 Jan 2021  ·  doi:10.1093/ve/veab031


Linking omics and ecology to dissect interactions between the apple proliferation phytoplasma and its psyllid vector i Cacopsylla melanoneura i
Linking omics and ecology to dissect interactions between the apple proliferation phytoplasma and its psyllid vector Cacopsylla melanoneura
Tobias Weil, Lino Ometto, Anna Esteve-Codina, Jèssica Gómez-Garrido, Tiziana Oppedisano, …, Marc Dabad, Tyler Alioto, Urska Vrhovsek, Saskia Hogenhout, Gianfranco Anfora
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology  ·  01 Dec 2020  ·  doi:10.1016/j.ibmb.2020.103474


Polymorphism analyses and protein modelling inform on functional specialization of i Piwi i clade genes in the arboviral vector i Aedes albopictus i
Polymorphism analyses and protein modelling inform on functional specialization of Piwi clade genes in the arboviral vector Aedes albopictus
Michele Marconcini, Luis Hernandez, Giuseppe Iovino, Vincent Houé, Federica Valerio, …, Rebeca Carballar-Lejarazu, Lino Ometto, Federico Forneris, Anna-Bella Failloux, Mariangela Bonizzoni
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases  ·  02 Dec 2019  ·  doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0007919
Distinct genotypes and phenotypes in European and American strains of i Drosophila suzukii i : implications for biology and management of an invasive organism
Distinct genotypes and phenotypes in European and American strains of Drosophila suzukii: implications for biology and management of an invasive organism
Omar Rota-Stabelli, Lino Ometto, Gabriella Tait, Silvia Ghirotto, Rupinder Kaur, Francesco Drago, Josefa González, Vaughn M. Walton, Gianfranco Anfora, Marco Valerio Rossi-Stacconi
Journal of Pest Science  ·  06 Nov 2019  ·  doi:10.1007/s10340-019-01172-y
A chromosome-level genome assembly of i Cydia pomonella i provides insights into chemical ecology and insecticide resistance
A chromosome-level genome assembly of Cydia pomonella provides insights into chemical ecology and insecticide resistance
Fanghao Wan, Chuanlin Yin, Rui Tang, Maohua Chen, Qiang Wu, …, Meizhen Li, Minglu Yang, Renci Xiong, James R. Walters, Fei Li
Nature Communications  ·  17 Sep 2019  ·  doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12175-9
Comparative genomic analysis of six i Glossina i genomes, vectors of African trypanosomes
Comparative genomic analysis of six Glossina genomes, vectors of African trypanosomes
Geoffrey M. Attardo, Adly M. M. Abd-Alla, Alvaro Acosta-Serrano, James E. Allen, Rosemary Bateta, …, Matthew T. Weirauch, Brian L. Weiss, Richard K. Wilson, Xin Zhao, Serap Aksoy
Genome Biology  ·  02 Sep 2019  ·  doi:10.1186/s13059-019-1768-2


Large-scale spatial dynamics of i Drosophila suzukii i in Trentino, Italy
Large-scale spatial dynamics of Drosophila suzukii in Trentino, Italy
Gabriella Tait, Alberto Grassi, Ferdinand Pfab, Cristina M. Crava, Daniel T. Dalton, …, Angela Gottardello, Andrea Pugliese, Giuseppe Firrao, Vaughn M. Walton, Gianfranco Anfora
Journal of Pest Science  ·  05 May 2018  ·  doi:10.1007/s10340-018-0985-x


Genetic variability in Italian populations of i Drosophila suzukii i
Genetic variability in Italian populations of Drosophila suzukii
Gabriella Tait, Silvia Vezzulli, Fabiana Sassù, Gloria Antonini, Antonio Biondi, …, Giorgia Sollai, Alessandro Cini, Lorenzo Tonina, Lino Ometto, Gianfranco Anfora
BMC Genetics  ·  03 Nov 2017  ·  doi:10.1186/s12863-017-0558-7
Survival and divergence in a small group: The extraordinary genomic history of the endangered Apennine brown bear stragglers
Survival and divergence in a small group: The extraordinary genomic history of the endangered Apennine brown bear stragglers
Andrea Benazzo, Emiliano Trucchi, James A. Cahill, Pierpaolo Maisano Delser, Stefano Mona, …, Silvia Fuselli, Cristiano Vernesi, Beth Shapiro, Paolo Ciucci, Giorgio Bertorelle
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  ·  24 Oct 2017  ·  doi:10.1073/pnas.1707279114
Genome comparisons indicate recent transfer of i w i Ri-like i Wolbachia i between sister species i Drosophila suzukii i and i D. subpulchrella i
Genome comparisons indicate recent transfer of wRi-like Wolbachia between sister species Drosophila suzukii and D. subpulchrella
William R. Conner, Mark L. Blaxter, Gianfranco Anfora, Lino Ometto, Omar Rota‐Stabelli, Michael Turelli
Ecology and Evolution  ·  08 Oct 2017  ·  doi:10.1002/ece3.3449
Comparative genomics shows that viral integrations are abundant and express piRNAs in the arboviral vectors i Aedes aegypti i and i Aedes albopictus i
Comparative genomics shows that viral integrations are abundant and express piRNAs in the arboviral vectors Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus
Umberto Palatini, Pascal Miesen, Rebeca Carballar-Lejarazu, Lino Ometto, Ettore Rizzo, Zhijian Tu, Ronald P. van Rij, Mariangela Bonizzoni
BMC Genomics  ·  05 Jul 2017  ·  doi:10.1186/s12864-017-3903-3


Evolutionary insights into taste perception of the invasive pest i Drosophila suzukii i
Evolutionary insights into taste perception of the invasive pest Drosophila suzukii
Cristina M Crava, Sukanya Ramasamy, Lino Ometto, Gianfranco Anfora, Omar Rota-Stabelli
G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics  ·  01 Dec 2016  ·  doi:10.1534/g3.116.036467
The evolution of olfactory gene families in i Drosophila i and the genomic basis of chemical-ecological adaptation in i Drosophila suzukii i
The evolution of olfactory gene families in Drosophila and the genomic basis of chemical-ecological adaptation in Drosophila suzukii
Sukanya Ramasamy, Lino Ometto, Cristina M. Crava, Santosh Revadi, Rupinder Kaur, David S. Horner, Davide Pisani, Teun Dekker, Gianfranco Anfora, Omar Rota-Stabelli
Genome Biology and Evolution  ·  19 Jul 2016  ·  doi:10.1093/gbe/evw160
Multiple lines of evidence for reproductive winter diapause in the invasive pest i Drosophila suzukii i : useful clues for control strategies
Multiple lines of evidence for reproductive winter diapause in the invasive pest Drosophila suzukii: useful clues for control strategies
Marco Valerio Rossi-Stacconi, Rupinder Kaur, Valerio Mazzoni, Lino Ometto, Alberto Grassi, Angela Gottardello, Omar Rota-Stabelli, Gianfranco Anfora
Journal of Pest Science  ·  24 Mar 2016  ·  doi:10.1007/s10340-016-0753-8


Extracting spatio-temporal patterns in animal trajectories: an ecological application of sequence analysis methods
Extracting spatio-temporal patterns in animal trajectories: an ecological application of sequence analysis methods
Johannes De Groeve, Nico Van de Weghe, Nathan Ranc, Tijs Neutens, Lino Ometto, Omar Rota‐Stabelli, Francesca Cagnacci
Methods in Ecology and Evolution  ·  06 Sep 2015  ·  doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12453
Demographic history, population structure, and local adaptation in Alpine populations of i Cardamine impatiens i and i Cardamine resedifolia i
Demographic history, population structure, and local adaptation in Alpine populations of Cardamine impatiens and Cardamine resedifolia
Lino Ometto, Mingai Li, Luisa Bresadola, Enrico Barbaro, Markus Neteler, Claudio Varotto
PLOS ONE  ·  01 May 2015  ·  doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0125199


Interkingdom transfer of the acne-causing agent, i Propionibacterium acnes i , from human to grapevine
Interkingdom transfer of the acne-causing agent, Propionibacterium acnes, from human to grapevine
Andrea Campisano, Lino Ometto, Stéphane Compant, Michael Pancher, Livio Antonielli, …, Claudio Varotto, Gianfranco Anfora, Ilaria Pertot, Angela Sessitsch, Omar Rota-Stabelli
Molecular Biology and Evolution  ·  19 Feb 2014  ·  doi:10.1093/molbev/msu075


linking genomics and ecology to investigate the complex evolution of an invasive i Drosophila i pest
linking genomics and ecology to investigate the complex evolution of an invasive Drosophila pest
Lino Ometto, Alessandro Cestaro, Sukanya Ramasamy, Alberto Grassi, Santosh Revadi, …, Ilaria Pertot, Duccio Cavalieri, Mark Blaxter, Gianfranco Anfora, Omar Rota-Stabelli
Genome Biology and Evolution  ·  15 Mar 2013  ·  doi:10.1093/gbe/evt034
Selective sweep in the i Flotillin-2 i region of European i Drosophila melanogaster i
Selective sweep in the Flotillin-2 region of European Drosophila melanogaster
Annegret Werzner, Pavlos Pavlidis, Lino Ometto, Wolfgang Stephan, Stefan Laurent
PLOS ONE  ·  21 Feb 2013  ·  doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056629.s003
Spatiotemporal reconstruction of the i Aquilegia i rapid radiation through next-generation sequencing of rapidly evolving cpDNA regions
Spatiotemporal reconstruction of the Aquilegia rapid radiation through next-generation sequencing of rapidly evolving cpDNA regions
Simone Fior, Mingai Li, Bengt Oxelman, Roberto Viola, Scott A. Hodges, Lino Ometto, Claudio Varotto
New Phytologist  ·  05 Feb 2013  ·  doi:10.1111/nph.12163


Evolution at two levels in fire ants: The relationship between patterns of gene expression and protein sequence evolution
Evolution at two levels in fire ants: The relationship between patterns of gene expression and protein sequence evolution
Brendan G. Hunt, Lino Ometto, Laurent Keller, Michael A.D. Goodisman
Molecular Biology and Evolution  ·  10 Oct 2012  ·  doi:10.1093/molbev/mss234
Disruption of gene expression in hybrids of the fire ants i Solenopsis invicta i and i Solenopsis richteri i
Disruption of gene expression in hybrids of the fire ants Solenopsis invicta and Solenopsis richteri
Lino Ometto, Kenneth G. Ross, DeWayne Shoemaker, Laurent Keller
Molecular Ecology  ·  30 Mar 2012  ·  doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05544.x
Rates of evolution in stress-related genes are associated with habitat preference in two i Cardamine i lineages
Rates of evolution in stress-related genes are associated with habitat preference in two Cardamine lineages
Lino Ometto, Mingai Li, Luisa Bresadola, Claudio Varotto
BMC Evolutionary Biology  ·  18 Jan 2012  ·  doi:10.1186/1471-2148-12-7


Relaxed selection is a precursor to the evolution of phenotypic plasticity
Relaxed selection is a precursor to the evolution of phenotypic plasticity
Brendan G. Hunt, Lino Ometto, Yannick Wurm, DeWayne Shoemaker, Soojin V. Yi, Laurent Keller, Michael A. D. Goodisman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  ·  12 Sep 2011  ·  doi:10.1073/pnas.1104825108
Evoluzione. Modelli e processi
Evoluzione. Modelli e processi
Marco Ferraguti, Carla Castellacci, Giuliana Allegrucci, Giorgio Binelli, Maurizio Casiraghi, Roberta Cimmaruta, Giuseppe Fusco, Mauro Mandrioli, Lino Ometto, Marco Passamonti
Pearson Education  ·  16 Mar 2011  ·  isbn-13:9788871926247


Evolution of gene expression in fire ants: The effects of developmental stage, caste, and species
Evolution of gene expression in fire ants: The effects of developmental stage, caste, and species
Lino Ometto, DeWayne Shoemaker, Kenneth G. Ross, Laurent Keller
Molecular Biology and Evolution  ·  20 Dec 2010  ·  doi:10.1093/molbev/msq322


Contrasting patterns of sequence divergence and base composition between i Drosophila i introns and intergenic regions
Contrasting patterns of sequence divergence and base composition between Drosophila introns and intergenic regions
Lino Ometto, David De Lorenzo, Wolfgang Stephan
Biology Letters  ·  01 Aug 2006  ·  doi:10.1098/rsbl.2006.0521


Inferring the effects of demography and selection on i Drosophila melanogaster i populations from a chromosome-wide scan of DNA variation
Inferring the effects of demography and selection on Drosophila melanogaster populations from a chromosome-wide scan of DNA variation
Lino Ometto, Sascha Glinka, David De Lorenzo, Wolfgang Stephan
Molecular Biology and Evolution  ·  29 Jun 2005  ·  doi:10.1093/molbev/msi207
Insertion deletion and nucleotide polymorphism data reveal constraints in i Drosophila melanogaster i introns and intergenic regions
Insertion/deletion and nucleotide polymorphism data reveal constraints in Drosophila melanogaster introns and intergenic regions
Lino Ometto, Wolfgang Stephan, David De Lorenzo
Genetics  ·  01 Mar 2005  ·  doi:10.1534/genetics.104.037689


Demography and natural selection have shaped genetic variation in i Drosophila melanogaster i : A multi-locus approach
Demography and natural selection have shaped genetic variation in Drosophila melanogaster: A multi-locus approach
Sascha Glinka, Lino Ometto, Sylvain Mousset, Wolfgang Stephan, David De Lorenzo
Genetics  ·  01 Nov 2003  ·  doi:10.1093/genetics/165.3.1269


Teratogenic and toxic effects of Alcohol Ethoxylate and Alcohol Ethoxy Sulfate surfactants on i Xenopus laevis i embryos and tadpoles
Teratogenic and toxic effects of Alcohol Ethoxylate and Alcohol Ethoxy Sulfate surfactants on Xenopus laevis embryos and tadpoles
Pietro Cardellini, Lino Ometto
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety  ·  01 Feb 2001  ·  doi:10.1006/eesa.2000.2005



Footprints of worldwide adaptation in structured populations of i D. melanogaster i through the expanded DEST 2.0 genomic resource
Footprints of worldwide adaptation in structured populations of D. melanogaster through the expanded DEST 2.0 genomic resource
Joaquin C. B. Nunez, Marta Coronado-Zamora, Mathieu Gautier, Martin Kapun, Sonja Steindl, …, Dmitri Petrov, Paul Schmidt, Thomas Flatt, Alan O. Bergland, Josefa Gonzalez
bioRxiv  ·  11 Nov 2024  ·  doi:10.1101/2024.11.10.622744
An initial investigation into the genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationships, and population structure of the Olive Psyllid i Euphyllura olivina i in Tunisia
An initial investigation into the genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationships, and population structure of the Olive Psyllid Euphyllura olivina in Tunisia
Nihel Oueslati, Asma Ghedir, Sarra Choulak, Laila Gasmi, Khaled Said, Lino Ometto
Phytoparasitica  ·  14 Oct 2024  ·  doi:10.1007/s12600-024-01205-y
Genetic diversity in the tomato leafminer i Tuta absoluta i Meyrick in Tunisia
Genetic diversity in the tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) in Tunisia
Asma Ghedir, Nihel Oueslati, Laila Gasmi, Ayda Khorramnejad, Khaled Said, Lino Ometto
Phytoparasitica  ·  11 Oct 2024  ·  doi:10.1007/s12600-024-01208-9
The European Reference Genome Atlas: piloting a decentralised approach to equitable biodiversity genomics
The European Reference Genome Atlas: piloting a decentralised approach to equitable biodiversity genomics
Ann M. Mc Cartney, Giulio Formenti, Alice Mouton, Diego De Panis, Luísa S. Marins, …, Patrick Wincker, Sylke Winkler, Claudio Ciofi, Robert M. Waterhouse, Camila J. Mazzoni
npj Biodiversity  ·  17 Sep 2024  ·  doi:10.1038/s44185-024-00054-6
Harmonising genomics research excellence and stakeholder needs in conservation management
Harmonising genomics research excellence and stakeholder needs in conservation management
Elena Buzan, Christian de Guttry, Chiara Bortoluzzi, Nathaniel Street, Kay Lucek, …, María José Ruiz-López, José Melo-Ferreira, Elisabet Ottosson, Camila Mazzoni, Robert Waterhouse
Authorea  ·  31 Aug 2024  ·  doi:10.22541/au.172510123.38206942/v1
A framework to identify opportunities to address socioscientific issues in the elementary school curricula: A case study from England, Italy, and Portugal
A framework to identify opportunities to address socioscientific issues in the elementary school curricula: A case study from England, Italy, and Portugal
Patrícia Pessoa, Joelyn de Lima, Valentina Piacentini, Giulia Realdon, Alex Jeffries, …, Dana L. Zeidler, Maria João Fonseca, Bruno Sousa, Alexandre Pinto, Xana Sá-Pinto
bioRxiv  ·  06 Aug 2024  ·  doi:10.1101/2024.08.02.606442
Evolution content in school textbooks: data from eight European countries
Evolution content in school textbooks: data from eight European countries
Andreas Panayides, Xana Sá-Pinto, Evangelia Mavrikaki, Duur K. Aanen, Sara Aboim, …, Nuno Ribeiro, José Luis Coelho da Silva, Bruno Sousa, Gregor Torkar, Konstantinos Korfiatis
Evolution: Education and Outreach  ·  09 Jul 2024  ·  doi:10.1186/s12052-024-00203-2


Relaxation of natural selection in the evolution of the giant lungfish genomes
Relaxation of natural selection in the evolution of the giant lungfish genomes
Silvia Fuselli, Samuele Greco, Roberto Biello, Sergio Palmitessa, Marta Lago, …, Thomas Espinoza, Jane Margaret Hughes, Lino Ometto, Marco Gerdol, Giorgio Bertorelle
Molecular Biology and Evolution  ·  01 Sep 2023  ·  doi:10.1093/molbev/msad193


Selection-driven adaptation to the extreme Antarctic environment in the Emperor penguin
Selection-driven adaptation to the extreme Antarctic environment in the Emperor penguin
Federica Pirri, Lino Ometto, Silvia Fuselli, Flávia A. N. Fernandes, Lorena Ancona, Nunzio Perta, Daniele Di Marino, Céline Le Bohec, Lorenzo Zane, Emiliano Trucchi
Heredity  ·  07 Oct 2022  ·  doi:10.1038/s41437-022-00564-8
The impact of fast radiation on the phylogeny of i Bactrocera i fruit flies as revealed by multiple evolutionary models and mutation rate-calibrated clock
The impact of fast radiation on the phylogeny of Bactrocera fruit flies as revealed by multiple evolutionary models and mutation rate-calibrated clock
Federica Valerio, Nicola Zadra, Omar Rota-Stabelli, Lino Ometto
Insects  ·  30 Jun 2022  ·  doi:10.3390/insects13070603


The complete mitogenome of the European mantis, i Mantis religiosa i , from Italy: implications for the origin of North American mantis population
The complete mitogenome of the European mantis, Mantis religiosa, from Italy: implications for the origin of North American mantis population
Andrea Luchetti, Lino Ometto, Omar Rota-Stabelli
Bulletin of Insectology  ·  01 Nov 2021  ·  http:
Viviparity and habitat restrictions may influence the evolution of male reproductive genes in tsetse fly i Glossina i species
Viviparity and habitat restrictions may influence the evolution of male reproductive genes in tsetse fly (Glossina) species
Grazia Savini, Francesca Scolari, Lino Ometto, Omar Rota-Stabelli, Davide Carraretto, …, Giuliano Gasperi, Adly M. M. Abd-Alla, Serap Aksoy, Geoffrey M. Attardo, Anna R. Malacrida
BMC Biology  ·  23 Sep 2021  ·  doi:10.1186/s12915-021-01148-4
i Drosophila i Evolution over Space and Time DEST : A new population genomics resource
Drosophila Evolution over Space and Time (DEST): A new population genomics resource
Martin Kapun, Joaquin C B Nunez, María Bogaerts-Márquez, Jesús Murga-Moreno, Margot Paris, …, Dmitri Petrov, Paul Schmidt, Josefa Gonzalez, Thomas Flatt, Alan O Bergland
Molecular Biology and Evolution  ·  01 Sep 2021  ·  doi:10.1093/molbev/msab259
Phylogenomics of Opsin genes in Diptera reveals lineage-specific events and contrasting evolutionary dynamics in i Anopheles i and i Drosophila i
Phylogenomics of Opsin genes in Diptera reveals lineage-specific events and contrasting evolutionary dynamics in Anopheles and Drosophila
Roberto Feuda, Matthew Goulty, Nicola Zadra, Tiziana Gasparetti, Ezio Rosato, Davide Pisani, Annapaola Rizzoli, Nicola Segata, Lino Ometto, Omar Rota Stabelli
Genome Biology and Evolution  ·  16 Jul 2021  ·  doi:10.1093/gbe/evab170
The discovery, distribution, and diversity of DNA viruses associated with i Drosophila melanogaster i in Europe
The discovery, distribution, and diversity of DNA viruses associated with Drosophila melanogaster in Europe
Megan A Wallace, Kelsey A Coffman, Clément Gilbert, Sanjana Ravindran, Gregory F Albery, …, Martin Kapun, Thomas Flatt, Josefa González, Fabian Staubach, Darren J Obbard
Virus Evolution  ·  01 Jan 2021  ·  doi:10.1093/ve/veab031


Linking omics and ecology to dissect interactions between the apple proliferation phytoplasma and its psyllid vector i Cacopsylla melanoneura i
Linking omics and ecology to dissect interactions between the apple proliferation phytoplasma and its psyllid vector Cacopsylla melanoneura
Tobias Weil, Lino Ometto, Anna Esteve-Codina, Jèssica Gómez-Garrido, Tiziana Oppedisano, …, Marc Dabad, Tyler Alioto, Urska Vrhovsek, Saskia Hogenhout, Gianfranco Anfora
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology  ·  01 Dec 2020  ·  doi:10.1016/j.ibmb.2020.103474


Polymorphism analyses and protein modelling inform on functional specialization of i Piwi i clade genes in the arboviral vector i Aedes albopictus i
Polymorphism analyses and protein modelling inform on functional specialization of Piwi clade genes in the arboviral vector Aedes albopictus
Michele Marconcini, Luis Hernandez, Giuseppe Iovino, Vincent Houé, Federica Valerio, …, Rebeca Carballar-Lejarazu, Lino Ometto, Federico Forneris, Anna-Bella Failloux, Mariangela Bonizzoni
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases  ·  02 Dec 2019  ·  doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0007919
Distinct genotypes and phenotypes in European and American strains of i Drosophila suzukii i : implications for biology and management of an invasive organism
Distinct genotypes and phenotypes in European and American strains of Drosophila suzukii: implications for biology and management of an invasive organism
Omar Rota-Stabelli, Lino Ometto, Gabriella Tait, Silvia Ghirotto, Rupinder Kaur, Francesco Drago, Josefa González, Vaughn M. Walton, Gianfranco Anfora, Marco Valerio Rossi-Stacconi
Journal of Pest Science  ·  06 Nov 2019  ·  doi:10.1007/s10340-019-01172-y
A chromosome-level genome assembly of i Cydia pomonella i provides insights into chemical ecology and insecticide resistance
A chromosome-level genome assembly of Cydia pomonella provides insights into chemical ecology and insecticide resistance
Fanghao Wan, Chuanlin Yin, Rui Tang, Maohua Chen, Qiang Wu, …, Meizhen Li, Minglu Yang, Renci Xiong, James R. Walters, Fei Li
Nature Communications  ·  17 Sep 2019  ·  doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12175-9
Comparative genomic analysis of six i Glossina i genomes, vectors of African trypanosomes
Comparative genomic analysis of six Glossina genomes, vectors of African trypanosomes
Geoffrey M. Attardo, Adly M. M. Abd-Alla, Alvaro Acosta-Serrano, James E. Allen, Rosemary Bateta, …, Matthew T. Weirauch, Brian L. Weiss, Richard K. Wilson, Xin Zhao, Serap Aksoy
Genome Biology  ·  02 Sep 2019  ·  doi:10.1186/s13059-019-1768-2


Large-scale spatial dynamics of i Drosophila suzukii i in Trentino, Italy
Large-scale spatial dynamics of Drosophila suzukii in Trentino, Italy
Gabriella Tait, Alberto Grassi, Ferdinand Pfab, Cristina M. Crava, Daniel T. Dalton, …, Angela Gottardello, Andrea Pugliese, Giuseppe Firrao, Vaughn M. Walton, Gianfranco Anfora
Journal of Pest Science  ·  05 May 2018  ·  doi:10.1007/s10340-018-0985-x


Genetic variability in Italian populations of i Drosophila suzukii i
Genetic variability in Italian populations of Drosophila suzukii
Gabriella Tait, Silvia Vezzulli, Fabiana Sassù, Gloria Antonini, Antonio Biondi, …, Giorgia Sollai, Alessandro Cini, Lorenzo Tonina, Lino Ometto, Gianfranco Anfora
BMC Genetics  ·  03 Nov 2017  ·  doi:10.1186/s12863-017-0558-7
Survival and divergence in a small group: The extraordinary genomic history of the endangered Apennine brown bear stragglers
Survival and divergence in a small group: The extraordinary genomic history of the endangered Apennine brown bear stragglers
Andrea Benazzo, Emiliano Trucchi, James A. Cahill, Pierpaolo Maisano Delser, Stefano Mona, …, Silvia Fuselli, Cristiano Vernesi, Beth Shapiro, Paolo Ciucci, Giorgio Bertorelle
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  ·  24 Oct 2017  ·  doi:10.1073/pnas.1707279114
Genome comparisons indicate recent transfer of i w i Ri-like i Wolbachia i between sister species i Drosophila suzukii i and i D. subpulchrella i
Genome comparisons indicate recent transfer of wRi-like Wolbachia between sister species Drosophila suzukii and D. subpulchrella
William R. Conner, Mark L. Blaxter, Gianfranco Anfora, Lino Ometto, Omar Rota‐Stabelli, Michael Turelli
Ecology and Evolution  ·  08 Oct 2017  ·  doi:10.1002/ece3.3449
Comparative genomics shows that viral integrations are abundant and express piRNAs in the arboviral vectors i Aedes aegypti i and i Aedes albopictus i
Comparative genomics shows that viral integrations are abundant and express piRNAs in the arboviral vectors Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus
Umberto Palatini, Pascal Miesen, Rebeca Carballar-Lejarazu, Lino Ometto, Ettore Rizzo, Zhijian Tu, Ronald P. van Rij, Mariangela Bonizzoni
BMC Genomics  ·  05 Jul 2017  ·  doi:10.1186/s12864-017-3903-3


Evolutionary insights into taste perception of the invasive pest i Drosophila suzukii i
Evolutionary insights into taste perception of the invasive pest Drosophila suzukii
Cristina M Crava, Sukanya Ramasamy, Lino Ometto, Gianfranco Anfora, Omar Rota-Stabelli
G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics  ·  01 Dec 2016  ·  doi:10.1534/g3.116.036467
The evolution of olfactory gene families in i Drosophila i and the genomic basis of chemical-ecological adaptation in i Drosophila suzukii i
The evolution of olfactory gene families in Drosophila and the genomic basis of chemical-ecological adaptation in Drosophila suzukii
Sukanya Ramasamy, Lino Ometto, Cristina M. Crava, Santosh Revadi, Rupinder Kaur, David S. Horner, Davide Pisani, Teun Dekker, Gianfranco Anfora, Omar Rota-Stabelli
Genome Biology and Evolution  ·  19 Jul 2016  ·  doi:10.1093/gbe/evw160
Multiple lines of evidence for reproductive winter diapause in the invasive pest i Drosophila suzukii i : useful clues for control strategies
Multiple lines of evidence for reproductive winter diapause in the invasive pest Drosophila suzukii: useful clues for control strategies
Marco Valerio Rossi-Stacconi, Rupinder Kaur, Valerio Mazzoni, Lino Ometto, Alberto Grassi, Angela Gottardello, Omar Rota-Stabelli, Gianfranco Anfora
Journal of Pest Science  ·  24 Mar 2016  ·  doi:10.1007/s10340-016-0753-8


Extracting spatio-temporal patterns in animal trajectories: an ecological application of sequence analysis methods
Extracting spatio-temporal patterns in animal trajectories: an ecological application of sequence analysis methods
Johannes De Groeve, Nico Van de Weghe, Nathan Ranc, Tijs Neutens, Lino Ometto, Omar Rota‐Stabelli, Francesca Cagnacci
Methods in Ecology and Evolution  ·  06 Sep 2015  ·  doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12453
Demographic history, population structure, and local adaptation in Alpine populations of i Cardamine impatiens i and i Cardamine resedifolia i
Demographic history, population structure, and local adaptation in Alpine populations of Cardamine impatiens and Cardamine resedifolia
Lino Ometto, Mingai Li, Luisa Bresadola, Enrico Barbaro, Markus Neteler, Claudio Varotto
PLOS ONE  ·  01 May 2015  ·  doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0125199


Interkingdom transfer of the acne-causing agent, i Propionibacterium acnes i , from human to grapevine
Interkingdom transfer of the acne-causing agent, Propionibacterium acnes, from human to grapevine
Andrea Campisano, Lino Ometto, Stéphane Compant, Michael Pancher, Livio Antonielli, …, Claudio Varotto, Gianfranco Anfora, Ilaria Pertot, Angela Sessitsch, Omar Rota-Stabelli
Molecular Biology and Evolution  ·  19 Feb 2014  ·  doi:10.1093/molbev/msu075


linking genomics and ecology to investigate the complex evolution of an invasive i Drosophila i pest
linking genomics and ecology to investigate the complex evolution of an invasive Drosophila pest
Lino Ometto, Alessandro Cestaro, Sukanya Ramasamy, Alberto Grassi, Santosh Revadi, …, Ilaria Pertot, Duccio Cavalieri, Mark Blaxter, Gianfranco Anfora, Omar Rota-Stabelli
Genome Biology and Evolution  ·  15 Mar 2013  ·  doi:10.1093/gbe/evt034
Selective sweep in the i Flotillin-2 i region of European i Drosophila melanogaster i
Selective sweep in the Flotillin-2 region of European Drosophila melanogaster
Annegret Werzner, Pavlos Pavlidis, Lino Ometto, Wolfgang Stephan, Stefan Laurent
PLOS ONE  ·  21 Feb 2013  ·  doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056629.s003
Spatiotemporal reconstruction of the i Aquilegia i rapid radiation through next-generation sequencing of rapidly evolving cpDNA regions
Spatiotemporal reconstruction of the Aquilegia rapid radiation through next-generation sequencing of rapidly evolving cpDNA regions
Simone Fior, Mingai Li, Bengt Oxelman, Roberto Viola, Scott A. Hodges, Lino Ometto, Claudio Varotto
New Phytologist  ·  05 Feb 2013  ·  doi:10.1111/nph.12163


Evolution at two levels in fire ants: The relationship between patterns of gene expression and protein sequence evolution
Evolution at two levels in fire ants: The relationship between patterns of gene expression and protein sequence evolution
Brendan G. Hunt, Lino Ometto, Laurent Keller, Michael A.D. Goodisman
Molecular Biology and Evolution  ·  10 Oct 2012  ·  doi:10.1093/molbev/mss234
Disruption of gene expression in hybrids of the fire ants i Solenopsis invicta i and i Solenopsis richteri i
Disruption of gene expression in hybrids of the fire ants Solenopsis invicta and Solenopsis richteri
Lino Ometto, Kenneth G. Ross, DeWayne Shoemaker, Laurent Keller
Molecular Ecology  ·  30 Mar 2012  ·  doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05544.x
Rates of evolution in stress-related genes are associated with habitat preference in two i Cardamine i lineages
Rates of evolution in stress-related genes are associated with habitat preference in two Cardamine lineages
Lino Ometto, Mingai Li, Luisa Bresadola, Claudio Varotto
BMC Evolutionary Biology  ·  18 Jan 2012  ·  doi:10.1186/1471-2148-12-7


Relaxed selection is a precursor to the evolution of phenotypic plasticity
Relaxed selection is a precursor to the evolution of phenotypic plasticity
Brendan G. Hunt, Lino Ometto, Yannick Wurm, DeWayne Shoemaker, Soojin V. Yi, Laurent Keller, Michael A. D. Goodisman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  ·  12 Sep 2011  ·  doi:10.1073/pnas.1104825108
Evoluzione. Modelli e processi
Evoluzione. Modelli e processi
Marco Ferraguti, Carla Castellacci, Giuliana Allegrucci, Giorgio Binelli, Maurizio Casiraghi, Roberta Cimmaruta, Giuseppe Fusco, Mauro Mandrioli, Lino Ometto, Marco Passamonti
Pearson Education  ·  16 Mar 2011  ·  isbn-13:9788871926247


Evolution of gene expression in fire ants: The effects of developmental stage, caste, and species
Evolution of gene expression in fire ants: The effects of developmental stage, caste, and species
Lino Ometto, DeWayne Shoemaker, Kenneth G. Ross, Laurent Keller
Molecular Biology and Evolution  ·  20 Dec 2010  ·  doi:10.1093/molbev/msq322


Contrasting patterns of sequence divergence and base composition between i Drosophila i introns and intergenic regions
Contrasting patterns of sequence divergence and base composition between Drosophila introns and intergenic regions
Lino Ometto, David De Lorenzo, Wolfgang Stephan
Biology Letters  ·  01 Aug 2006  ·  doi:10.1098/rsbl.2006.0521


Inferring the effects of demography and selection on i Drosophila melanogaster i populations from a chromosome-wide scan of DNA variation
Inferring the effects of demography and selection on Drosophila melanogaster populations from a chromosome-wide scan of DNA variation
Lino Ometto, Sascha Glinka, David De Lorenzo, Wolfgang Stephan
Molecular Biology and Evolution  ·  29 Jun 2005  ·  doi:10.1093/molbev/msi207
Insertion deletion and nucleotide polymorphism data reveal constraints in i Drosophila melanogaster i introns and intergenic regions
Insertion/deletion and nucleotide polymorphism data reveal constraints in Drosophila melanogaster introns and intergenic regions
Lino Ometto, Wolfgang Stephan, David De Lorenzo
Genetics  ·  01 Mar 2005  ·  doi:10.1534/genetics.104.037689


Demography and natural selection have shaped genetic variation in i Drosophila melanogaster i : A multi-locus approach
Demography and natural selection have shaped genetic variation in Drosophila melanogaster: A multi-locus approach
Sascha Glinka, Lino Ometto, Sylvain Mousset, Wolfgang Stephan, David De Lorenzo
Genetics  ·  01 Nov 2003  ·  doi:10.1093/genetics/165.3.1269


Teratogenic and toxic effects of Alcohol Ethoxylate and Alcohol Ethoxy Sulfate surfactants on i Xenopus laevis i embryos and tadpoles
Teratogenic and toxic effects of Alcohol Ethoxylate and Alcohol Ethoxy Sulfate surfactants on Xenopus laevis embryos and tadpoles
Pietro Cardellini, Lino Ometto
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety  ·  01 Feb 2001  ·  doi:10.1006/eesa.2000.2005
