the zoo_e lab

I am a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Biology and Biotechnology of the University of Pavia. I have a background in evolutionary biology and a broad interest towards evolutionary genomics. During my MSc studies in Biodiversity and Evolution at the University of Bologna, I had the chance to carry out an internship in the Simakov group in Vienna. This further sparked my interest in transposable elements and their impact on genomic architecture.
I carried out a PhD at the Insitute of Evolutionary Sciences of Montpellier, where I was co-supervised by Benoit Nabholz, Anna-Sophie Fiston-Lavier and Annabelle Haudry. My PhD project revolved around the impact of genetic drift on genome size size variation and transposable elements proliferation in animal genomes.
At the zoo_e lab, I focus on the characterization of transposable elements under thermal stress in Aedes albopictus: the main goal is to understand whether polymorphic transposable elements can be involved into recent adaptations in the italian populations of tiger mosquitoes.

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